The HFp Picture Gallery
Although it's hard to get decent pictures of the HFp, because it is so slender, we appreciate the effort some folks make to try, and will post any that we get.

If you have some HFp pictures that we could use, please send them to  Please include some commentary about your pictures, your installation, and any other interesting points.

Note that your sending us the pictures confers upon us the right to post them on our website or include them in our literature, and to edit your description.
This magnificent picture was taken by Roy Veimoen, LA6LOA who lives in Harstad, Norway.  The HFp-V was set up on a mountain near his home.  This is the same picture we use on our home page.  Thanks so much, Roy!
Here is Grover - K7TP, operating picnic-table-portable in Hawaii.  Not visible in the picture is the Mai-Tai behind the backpack! 